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EHomoeopathy | Classic Hahnemannian Homoeopathy - The information given in this site is not intended to be taken as a replacement for medical advice. Any person with a condition requiring medical attention should consult a registered medical practitioner or a hospital

  • Homoeopathy – General Information | EHomoeopathy - The word ‘Homeopathy’ (also spelled homœopathy or homoeopathy) from the Greek words όμοιος, hómoios (similar) and πάθος, páthos (suffering). The founder of homeopathy was Dr. Christian Frederick Samuel Hahnemann, a German Physician, a Scholar, and a Chemist (1755-1843). He formulated the so-called PRINCIPLE OF SIMILARITY, which states that a given substance can cure in a diseased person the…
  • Advantages of Homoeopathy | EHomoeopathy - Advantages of Homeopathy According to World Health Organization (WHO), homeopathy is the world's second leading system of medicine for primary health care. Homeopathic medicines are proven and experimented on healthy people, not on animals. Homœopathy cures a disease, rather than merely suppressing its symptoms. Homœopathy uses only natural substances in minute doses. Homœopathy improves the…
  • Homeopathy around the world | EHomoeopathy - Homeopathy around the world Homeopathy in Austria Homeopathy came to Austria in 1818 with Prof. S. Veith, a veterinarian, in Bohemia.  After successes with the 1831 cholera epidemic, practice was legalized in 1837. Homeopathy in Brazil In about 1810, Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva, a politician and a student of natural science and mineralogy,…
  • About Us | EHomoeopathy - We are premeier in the field of Homoeopathy since 1990. Offering pure Hahnemannian Classical Homoeopathy.   To view us click on the corresponding names bellow the icon"About us"
  • Prof. (Dr.)Sailendra Kumar | EHomoeopathy -  Prof. (Dr.)SAILENDRA KUMAR.G.N. Consultant Homoeopath Professor & Head, Department of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, SVR Homoeopathic Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram.20 Former Dy.Medical Superintendent, SVR Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital, Thiruvananthapuram..20 Author: Endocrine disorders and its treatment in Homoeopathy Author: A complete clinical Hand Book for Every day Practice Author: Homoeopathic Clinical Prescriber Author: Homoeopathic Experience Author: Expedition of LM Effects…
  • Dr.Sreedvi Sailendran | EHomoeopathy - Dr.SREEDEVI SAILENDRAN. MD(Hom) Consultant Homoeopath Govt. Medical Officer (Homoeo) Former Lecturer, SK Homoeopathic Medical College, Kulasekaram, Tamil Nadu Co-author: Sinusitis Manual (Press)
  • Consultation | EHomoeopathy - Consulting room    Waiting Room   Pharmacy HOMOEOPATHY the medicine you can live with We offer genuine classic homoeopathic consultations for all your health problems. We strictly follow the  principles of the inventor and promoter of Homoeopathy – Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann. Mailing Address: HOMOEOPATHIC CONSULTANTS TC-50/1197(1), Thaliyal, Karamana Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, South India – 695 002.…
  • Guideline for Medicine Consuming & Handling | EHomoeopathy - Medicine Consuming  Place the medicine directly on your tongue and keep it there for few seconds before you swallow. In acute emergencies place the medicine under the tongue (Sublingually). Don’t consume any food stuff, beverages, tea etc. immediately before or after your medicine. At least keep one hour gap between medicine and food. You can…
  • Clinical | EHomoeopathy - Dr.Sailendra Kumar.G.N. ABSCESS Localized collection of pus in a cavity formed by disintegration of tissues. The usual cause is local bacterial infection, often Staphylococci, that the body’s defenses have failed to overcome. Therapeutics: Ananther, Apis, Arnica,  Bellad,  Calc.sulph,, Gun powder, HEPAR, Lach, Merc, Myristica,  Silica, Tarent.cub. Abscess-axilla Hepar, Merc,, Rhus.tox, Silicea. Abscess-back Hepar,…
  • EMERGENCY MEDICINES | EHomoeopathy - SOME EMERGENCY MEDICINES Injuries: Bone Arnica,, Symp, Nerves Hyperic, Phos. Periosteum Ruta. Glands Conium, Arnica, Dulc, Iod, Phos, Sil, Soft parts Arnica, Conium. Tendons Anacard. Head Arnica, Nat.sulp, Cicuta, Nat.mur Eye Symph, Arnic, Euph, Ledum, Staph. Breast Bellis.Per, Conium. Spine Hyperic, Nat.sulp. Coccyx Hyper, Silic. Bruises & Contusions. Arnica, Conium, Hamam, Hyper, Rhus tox, Ruta,…
  • HOMOEOPATHIC PROPHYLATICS | EHomoeopathy - HOMOEOPATHIC PROPHYLATICS Air sickness Coccul, Petroleum. Car sickness Coccul, Petrol, Tabacum. Chicken pox Thuja, Variolinum. Dengue fever Eupetorium. Diphtheria Diptherinum, Lac.can, Carb.aci, Merc.cyn. Germen Measles Rubella. Herpis zoster Variolinum. Hydrophobia Bell, Cantha, Hyos, Lyss, Lach. Impetigo contagiosa Antim tart. Influenza Ars, Influzenum, Nux.vom, Tuberc. Jaundice China, Kali mur, Nux.vom. Malaria Ars, Chin.ars, Chin.sulph,, Nat.mur. Measles Morbilinum, Puls.…
  • Clinical Evidences | EHomoeopathy - A Case of PCOD Ref. No.: 7143/549 Name of the Patient: Mrs.T.B , Age/Sex: 40/F, Occupation: House Wife, Place: Attukal,             TVPM First visit Date : 06/02/04 Presenting complaints: Pain in the right iliac region-3 months Pain in the right lumbar area extending towards the right iliac region and extending down to the leg. Hot…
  • LAB INVEST. | EHomoeopathy - A medical investigation is used to get information about the health of a patient as pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease
  • Biochemistry Tests | EHomoeopathy - Acid phosphatase The prostate is the richest source of this enzyme Indication: cancer of the prostate, bone disease Normal Range: Male-2.5-11.7U/L, Female-0.3-9.2U/L Interpretation: Elevated levels are seen in cancer of the bone and prostrate Adrenocorticotrophic hormone Under the conditions of stress ACTH produced by the pituitary gland stimulates adrenal cortex to release cortisol. Both cortisol…
  • Hematology Test | EHomoeopathy - APT test/Swallowed Blood syndrome Test/ Fetal hemoglobin Test APT test/Swallowed Blood syndrome Test/ Fetal hemoglobin Indication This test is done to diagnose swallowed blood syndrome and differentiate this condition from gastrointestinal hemorrhage in the new born. Normal Range   Report will provide indication if blood is of maternal or infant origin (adult or fetal hemoglobin). Auto…
  • Immunology Test | EHomoeopathy - Acetylcholine receptor antibody Test Acetylcholine receptor antibody Indication Severe weakness Physiology The antibodies are developed against the self-acetylcholine receptor. ELISA and RIA is recommended Normal Range 0.03nmol/L Interpretation Values greater than 0.03nmol/L is critical which indicates fatigues and muscle weakness Adenovirus antibody titer Test Adenovirus antibody titer Indication Adenovirus infections Physiology This test is routinely…
  • Microbiology Test | EHomoeopathy - Abscess, Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria culture Test Abscess, Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria culture Indication Identification of bacteria causing abscess and provide therapy Normal Range No growth of aerobic or anaerobic bacteria. Sample Fluid, pus, or abscess material Test Method Aerobic and anaerobic culture Related Tests Cerebrospinal Fluid Anaerobic culture, Fine Needle Aspiration, Susceptibility Testing, Wound…
  • Molecular Test | EHomoeopathy - Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease DNA detection Test Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease DNA detection Indication This test can detect DNA linkage association with major genetic mutation. The test can indicate can help in early detection in a family with history of autosomal dominant polycstic disease. Test is required for prenatal diagnosis in couples known to be…
  • Hormone Test | EHomoeopathy - Adrenocorticotrophic hormone Test Adrenocorticotrophic hormone Indication Adrenal and pituitary gland disorders Normal Range ACTH, Morning-25-50pg/ml, evening-0-50pg/ml Interpretation Increased levels indicate cushings syndrome characterized by hyperglycemia, hypertension, weight gain, impotency and physiological disorders Dexamethasone suppression indicate Addisons disease characterized by low blood pressure, hypoglycemia and depression Follicle stimulating hormone test Test                                       Follicle stimulating hormone…
  • Publications | EHomoeopathy - OUR PUBLICATIONS All books available with: INDIAN BOOKS AND PERIODICALS PUBLISHERS Block - 5/62, Dev Nagar, Pyare Lal Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-110005, Phone: 011 25725444, Fax no: 011 25766699, Email: [email protected],

    Country:, North America, US

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  • GilmoreGirl - Mostly fluff and conjecture

    I was very disappointed while reading this book. It starts out laying out all of the information from the beginning of time to the present day of antichrist legends, but as the chapters go on they start repeating themselves. I thought it was a problem with my kindle copy, but after browsing a physical copy at the store it became obvious that entire pages of earlier chapters were cut and pasted into later chapters as filler. By the end there is no new information, nor any answers to the questions the book claims to answer. You'd be better off googling the information for free than buy this book.

  • Tara Stiner - I followed all the directions and the pillow still shrunk ...

    I followed all the directions and the pillow still shrunk and became too small to use. Couldn't really determined if it worked or not.

  • Steven A. Miller - Federal great but does not support all States

    I am the the trustee of a family trust which annual proceeds must be distributed to the trust's descendents each year. This process can only be done with a business edition of software. I originally used H & R Block Business program but that was a nightmare and would not fill out forms correctly. I gave up and purchased this product which did my Federal taxes, for the trust, in less than 30 minutes however, when I looked for the State form, which is purchased through a link from the Federal, there was none available for my State of Nebraska and other states. I spent about an hour waiting and then finally speaking with representative of TurboTax who kept putting me on hold to talk to a supervisor. Finally she came back and told me that TurboTax does not support State returns in several states, one of them being my state. This is something they should tell people up front. It was very good for Federal and I will probably buy it for that next year but at least I will know up front that I will need to fill out the State by hand.

  • Jon D. Andreasen - Don't waste your money

    Whatever Roxio did when uninstalling Roxio 2012, it deleted something it shouldn't have from the registry. I am now looking at a reload of Windows 7. Rest assured that no Roxio product will be on my computer after that! Their tech support web site is a joke and an insult with it's many "circular" paths, always bringing you back to the same page you started from without offering any help.


    This product is a complete waste of money and my time. Cannot even get the company to agree it was going back. I'll never even buy a product from the company as they are defensive and will not even help to troubleshoot printing...which never prints on the card like the old printmaster. I never post an opinion but want to hopefully help someone not make the same mistake I did. DONT BUY

  • Kelley bickmore - cute book

    That was soo cite!! I didn't dislike anything!!! I can't wait to read another book by this author!! My favorite part was probably the ending. I can relate to this story by a lot!! Everyone should read this book!!!