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  • Art Lover - Missing something

    We've already seen all the bad reviews about the poorly translated manual, but that was not my really big problem. It just wouldn't print no matter what I did. I finally figured out why! When I looked at similar type receipt printers, they had some kind of paper guide inside. This one did not - it was missing. I stuck some small post-it notes inside to make the paper fit snug and the red light on it stopped flashing. It still won't print - not that way. Too late to return it now. If they don't like the bad review they should have made sure all parts were there and that it worked in the first place.

  • Rebecca - Quiet and very easy to use

    This machine is extremely quiet and so easy to use, the first day using it I thought, no way is this thing going to really work. Just to easy. Stayed on 30 minutes while watching t.v and could have done it all night. The next day I did feel it, in my lower legs especially, so I guess it really does work. My entire family uses it, have to wait in line to use it. So much easier than a treadmill and quieter too. I don't believe the calorie counter is correct, no way I burned over 340 calories in 30 minutes, didn't even break out in a sweat. I would recommend wearing shoes, because doing it barefoot will cause your feet to go numb not to mention those tread things digging in your feet. For under $100 can't go wrong with this machine. Purchased ours at Wal-mart for $94.

  • Mod MINI - Did not fix a large head crack a MINI Cooper S...

    Product did not seem to work on a MINI Cooper S supercharged with small coolant leak. It would hold during idle, but blow out the seal each time car is driven. I'm guessing it is not strong enough to work properly on forced induction applications which develop higher combustion chamber pressures.

  • Amazon Customer - Awesome product!!!

    Ok, so when I first reviewed the product, I gave it one star. I had completed a test w/ ticks. Spray in one Ziploc and none in the other. I gave poor stars b/c the test tick did not die in the first couple of days. I was very wrong. The sprayed tick died in a few days (they are very resilient no matter what you use) and the non-sprayed tick stayed alive for WEEKS....actually for over a month in a Ziploc.

  • Kindle Customer - Misleading

    Not a single story by Elizabeth strout. I feel robbed. Zero stars. False advertising. Was looking forward to a good story.

  • Tricia D. Majewski - Terrible Product

    This is the worst whitening system I've ever used! It created canker sores all over my tongue, it was extremely painful, and to top it off, it didn't even work!