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Welcome to - was conceived as a remote learning experience for health care providers, students, residents, fellows and people interested in expanding their knowledge in specific areas of cardiology. It was designed to provide the equivalent of classroom lectures and demonstrations with the use of the latest web-based multimedia technology. To facilitate this process, lessons were designed from the ground up instead of scanning in textbooks or videotaping a slide presentation and then modifying it for use on the Internet. This site includes instructional movies, 3-D animation, panoramic views, online quiz, interactive video-clips, interactive heart sounds & murmurs and interactive echocardiograms.

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City: -104.8738 Colorado, United States

  • Ariana Buchar - broken and disappointing

    The container was broken and had plastic pieces falling out as soon as it was opened. The actually discs were scratched. I received a broken container with unusable discs. Very disappointed.

  • julia - it works

    I saw a recommendation for this herb by Survival Lilly and thought I'd try it, as I have excessive bleeding from uterine fibroids. Surprisingly, it actually did work! It shortened the tail end of my period by days, and the bleeding wasn't nearly as heavy. When the bottle is gone, I will be purchasing it again.

  • Kindle Customer - Disappointment

    Through the years I have found this series to be extremely uneven. This volume is particularly disappointing. I would have given it 0 stars except for Nicolle Cullen's story "Long Tom

  • Jody - Enjoyed

    I started this series out of order by mistakenly reading book 3 (Buried) first. I loved it so much that I had to go back and start to read the series from the beginning. Not to be disappointed either - this book was suspenseful, exciting, and had all the elements I came to enjoy in book 3; likable characters, just the right amount of detail, and of course the ability to suck a reader in.

  • Alejandro G. Ribe - Pedal Kit

    Great Seller, quick shipment, sends with instructions on how to install. Pedals look great on my car. A bit difficult to install but with patience it can be done. Thanks!!!

  • Tired Mommy - This removed my divorce from my face

    I just used this for the first time, It wound back the clock to before the battle scars of an awful divorce and custody battle, I felt the stress and pain was written all over my face. especially in the cheek area and lines on either side of my nose and mouth. Now I don't have to photo-shop my facebook profile pics! haha It did not hurt at all and I am a wimp with pain. Not sure how long it will last but even if I have to do this every day it is worth it. I was looking at Botox and all sorts of awful things to bring the "me" that I remember back.

  • Teri - Received new formula

    The Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioner and list of ingredients shown on the site is not the formulation that I received. What I received was the new formula in the new bottle. The old formula has Shea Butter as the second ingredient. The new formula has Canola Oil as the second ingredient and Shea Butter is now the sixth or seventh ingredient. New formula also has Mineral Oil in it.