Counterfeit Anti-Infective Drugs - Counterfeit Anti-Infective Drugs (C-AID) is a website and blog that is dedicated to raising public awareness for the growing problem of ‘fake’ drugs. It is a personal effort of three dedicated Australian medical students that was started in March 2014. We aim to bring information from various trustworthy sources together and present it to consumers in a…
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I got it the same brand/type but somehow it's not as soft or well-cushioned as the one my friend got from another seller.
I can get Azo so much cheaper, and that helps save me money. I have a chronic problem of UTI's, it works better than the prescriptions the Doctors have given.
The reason why I gave it four stars is simply because I am still testing this whitening system. I must say that I see a huge difference in the color of my teeth. Worth trying.