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  • Zach woods - Massive Acne Breakouts after Using

    I'll be honest in saying I did not love this. Although it may have made my beard softer, it also caused me to breakout out with acne. Even after washing it out thoroughly the night before, the next morning I would always have new breakout spots all over my face. Seems misleading considering the product advertises itself as "helps acne".

  • A. J. Hess - It. Works.

    I'm a believer! I took these drops three times a day and followed the HCG diet and had IMMEDIATE results. I lost 9.5 pounds in four days. It was unreal to see a constant loss on the scale. I also have no cravings for sweets or bad fats.... I am so happy I finally found something that works for me!!!

  • DivineDiva - so I also know they're very easy to remove

    These are very strong. I wound up not using them, so I also know they're very easy to remove. No residue whatsoever. And they were stuck to windows. I was using them to "mount" some dropcams, which are kind of heavy, on glass, and they held with no issues. It was great while it lasted.