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  • Iris - Half of what it used to be!

    I was alarmed to discover that the calendar was only printed on one side. I thought i had been gypped by a knock-off imitation. Over the past several years I have really enjoyed the extra feature on the back of each cartoon. I checked the reviews and saw that other people were commenting about this, so I realised then that they have just done away with it this year -- cutbacks, I suppose. I love the cartoons (well, not all of them), but I really miss the "bonus" -- please bring it back!! I would seriously consider trying another calendar next year if this extra material is not restored, as for me the value of it has plummeted.

  • UncleSnake - This one is a keeper.

    I have owned this knife and the predecessor which is no longer available for many years. I carry it daily and I carry it everywhere. I clip it inside my pants pocket. Now this is perfect for most daily uses. A flat and Phillips screwdriver is really all I need. The little secret is that the assisted opening is really awesome. I can flip this baby open faster than a switchblade (not that I've ever needed that function).

  • Amazon Customer - This supplement works

    Bought this for my husband. He loves it. Take this on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Eat breakfast about 1hr later. Combine with CLA for additional fat-fighting support. Stay very hydrated and you won't feel nauseous. Moderate exercise... Husband has lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks. Looking forward to seeing the total weight-loss after the recommended 60 use.

  • Atlantacbi - this thing rocks !

    I've got an '85 Porsche 911 and after nearly 10 years this car has developed a strange battery drain. I replaced the battery after a good 60 month one died and within weeks it was dead again. My general mechanic sold me the battery and tried to find the problem - he suspected it was a faulty ground or something but he never could locate it. I happen to be at a Car stereo place recently and saw my exact same car but highly restored and with a kick ass sound and electronics package. When i asked what they were doing they said this car had a mysterious battery drainage problem - after talking to a few more people this is apparently common and hard to track down - so rather than fix it i decided to supplement the battery with this drip charger. I keep it plugged in all the time and just let it maintain the battery and that has worked perfectly for 3 months now. I attempted to revive a truck battery with it recently but it gave me a clear indication that the battery was damaged so I just replaced it. we have 4 cars for 2 drivers so I can see possibly adding a second one of these for the rarely driven truck I have in the future. I'm fairly handy but I've never really understood the physics of car batteries - this unit is so simple I don't need to understand anything to use it.

  • AQBoston - It is fast, it is easy, everyone wants ours!!

    This little chair is fast and easy to put up. We've used it at countless restaurant tables, booths and bars and have never had a problem getting it securely on. You simply turn/screw the legs.