Hypnotherapy Training Valerie Austin | Hypnosis Course - Discover how to become a successful hypnotherapist with Harley Street\'s best kept secret, Valerie Austin\'s advanced hypnotherapy training courses.

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  • P. Hall - DISGUSTING!!!!!!

    I have IBS and was told by one of the "marketers" that it would help me......NOT! I've only gotten worse. I've been trying to find out how much fiber is in this product, but can't seem to get an answer & it's not listed on the box. Tastes like I'm drinking my lawn. Disgusting & I've stopped taking it. Something is just not right. If the company that makes & sells this product can't or won't disclose the fiber content, something is wrong. I'm in more pain now than before I tried this junk.

  • Strike Me Down Now! - Not as useful as older versions

    I last used the Fiske Guide six years ago with my oldest daughter when she was looking at schools. That older version had all the US schools organized by State and was incredibly useful. This newer version has made its own assumptions on schools and significantly pared down the information and the number of schools available to research. It's like one more US News-type ranking but the factors they use don't necessarily match with what my new student may be looking for. It's too bad. The guide used to be really useful. Now, not so much.

  • C. Green - yes and no..

    I'm not entirely sure just how much these products protect hair from hot iron damage. My daughter and I both use this product. She straightens her hair 2-4 times a week. I straighten mine maybe once every two months. My hair is very soft and silky and using this product definitely helps with that... I definitely notice a difference, but with my daughter's hair, it seems merely a detangler that smells amazing. I'm sure it may help a little, but not enough protection from heat.